Mega Detection company distributors are available in all countries all over the world.
Mega Gold Available to ship to North America, South America, Europe, Antarctic, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Contact us to get the Mega Gold shipping price to your country and the information of our distributor in your country closest to you.
The Mega Detection company provides shipping service to all countries around the world.
More information about product:
Mega Detection company distributors are available in all countries all over the world.
Mega Gold Available to ship to North America, South America, Europe, Antarctic, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Contact us to get the Mega Gold shipping price to your country and the information of our distributor in your country closest to you.
The Mega Detection company provides shipping service to all countries around the world.
United States of America (USA)
- What is the price of the metal detector Mega Gold?
The price of the metal detector device Mega Gold is $ 3380.00 .
- Why is the price of the metal detector Mega Gold in my country different from the price of the factory Mega Detection in Germany?
The price of the device in your country may differ slightly due to your country’s calculation of customs duties, shipping costs and other tax payments that are added to the price of the device.
- What is the country of manufacture of the metal detector Mega Gold?
The device Mega Gold is manufactured and installed at the factory Mega Detection in Germany
- Is there a metal detector store that provides the device Mega Gold in my country?
The device Mega Gold is available in almost all countries and you can find all store addresses in the list of distributors.
- Is there a warranty for the metal detector Mega Gold?
Yes, the device Mega Gold is sold with a two-year warranty period. Some device accessories do not have the same warranty period.
- Can I order the purchase of a metal detector Mega Gold directly from the factory Mega Detection?
You can buy a device Mega Gold from the nearest distributor in your country, if the device is not available in your country, you can contact the factory directly and the device will be sent to you via express shipping service within a few days at factory price.
- What is the maximum depth of penetration into the ground detected by the metal detector Mega Gold.
This device Mega Gold can reach great depths underground if the treasure is large in size.
- Is this metal detector Mega Gold German made?
The metal detector Mega Gold was manufactured in Germany at the Mega Detection factory.
- Is this metal detector Mega Gold original or an imitation?
The original metal detector is called Mega Gold and it is made in Germany in a factory Mega Detection, beware of counterfeit devices made in other countries.
- Does the device Mega Gold detect underground to a depth of 10 meters?
The metal detector Mega Gold can detect at great depths if the volume of buried metal is important.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold distinguish gold from other metals?
Yes, you can with your device (the device) distinguish the golden metal among the rest of the other metals.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold distinguish silver from other metals?
Yes, you can with the device Mega Gold distinguish silver metal from the rest of other metals.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold distinguish iron from other metals?
Yes, you can with your device Mega Gold distinguish metallic iron from other metals.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold distinguish bronze from other metals?
Yes, you can with the device Mega Gold distinguish bronze metal from other metals.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold distinguish precious metals from other metals?
Yes, you can with your device Mega Gold distinguish the metal of precious metals from other metals.
- Does the metal detector Mega Gold detect buried precious treasures?
Yes, you can with your device Mega Gold find ancient buried treasures.